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Profile status: incomplete profile (explain)

My profile status

Profile statuses only apply to service providers. If you are buying services on Intently, then the below does not apply to you.

Currently, your profile status is incomplete profile. Here is an explanation of all possible profile statuses:

Profile statusDescriptionProfile position on listing pagesGeographical reachDedicated profile pageBuyer communicationBacklink typeCustomisable backlink text / target URLsArticle submissionMoz Da checksMoz analysisSuggested action
Active You are paying a subscription Top Global Yes Email, instant messages, video calls FOLLOW Yes Free Daily Yes (25 competitors)
Trialing You are participating in a free trial, or you have activated your account via a one-off payment Top Global Yes Email, instant messages, video calls FOLLOW Yes Free Daily Yes (25 competitors)
Verified listing Your business was already known to us, so you have claimed your business and now have basic access. Middle 30 miles No Email, instant messages NOFOLLOW £40 per article Daily Yes (3 competitors) Pay your subscription to access all features
Past due You were paying a subscription but the most recent payment has failed £40 per article Monthly Yes (3 competitors) Update your card details
Canceled You were previously paying a subscription but it is now canceled £40 per article Monthly Yes (3 competitors) Pay your subscription
Payment required You need to pay the subscription to access all of our product features £40 per article Monthly Yes (3 competitors) Pay your subscription
Incomplete profile You have not completed the following key fields in your profile: Website, Company, About. £40 per article Monthly Yes (3 competitors) Complete your profile
person using megaphone