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Tips To Reduce Your Daily Stress

With October well underway the autumn colours are in full flourish, bringing an added touch to the landscapes around us. This time of year also begins the slow change towards winter and the dreaded winter blues. This usually brings around a more stressful time for people and it can be hard to drag yourself off the couch after a long day at work. With Christmas around the corner, business and work can be incredibly busy and stressful. Below, we have a few suggestions of how to reduce your daily stress not just through work, but suggestions of how to improve your daily routine to make you feel better in general.

Eat Healthily

When we are stressed we often turn to comfort foods like chocolate which are usually unhealthy. Short term these foods make us feel great, but long term for your fitness and well being it is doing no good at all. The lack of nutritional value, combined with the high sugar content can lead to increased fatigue, stress and a higher blood pressure. To combat this, plan your eating for the week, having a mixture of carbohydrates like rice and sweet potato to foods high in antioxidants like fruit and vegetables. It is a great to keep the cooking interesting and using a variety of foods is great for balance of nutrition to make you feel better and minimise the daily stress of work. It is known that eating healthier makes your body and mind work better, making you more productive and motivated for the daily grind.


Feeling good about your body does not come from just eating, but exercising on a regular basis. It has been proven that exercising reduces levels of stress in your body, and having a daily or weekly routine that includes the gym, a few sports or even just walking to work is a great way to make you feel better during the colder, darker months. Focusing on another task like running or lifting weights is also a great way to get your mind off work and the daily stresses that comes with 9-5 life. Working out is also a brilliant way to improve your ability to sleep, as you are using up so much energy from exercising after work, meaning you will feel better for the next day at work, creating a positive cycle. Virtually any form of exercise, from yoga to football can act as a stress reliever and if you want to feel better about yourself and improve your mental well being, take up that sport you have always wanted to.

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead with your daily life is another way to get stressful situations off your shoulder. Instead of putting off tasks that need sorted, getting them organised and arranged and doing them as soon as you can is a great way to relieve stress. Tasks like insurance, mobile phone payments and daily tasks that need organised but are usually left till last minute should be done as soon as possible to give you as much time to chill out and relax when you need to after work. Companies like UCompare make comparing insurance prices easier, getting quotes in minutes and choosing the best options available for your needs. Planning in advance makes the process of preparing your daily life tasks like insurance a lot easier, reducing stress that could build up if it is done last minute or done with a confusing or complicated company.

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