Hair Restoration Expert Dr. John Frank

John Frank, MD Hair Clinics

Hair Transplant Clinic in NYC & Columbus, OH

Stop hair loss and get your confidence back! Dr. John Frank has been restoring hair for over 25 years, in which time he has treated more than 20,000 patients for hair loss and performed more than 3,500 hair transplants.

With training and experience in head, neck and skull base surgery, Dr. Frank offers all types of hair and scalp reconstruction – including follicular grafting, flap and reduction procedures, follicular unit extraction and hair line lowering. He is currently serving patients from his offices in New York City and Columbus, Ohio.

Request a consultation today to get honest & direct guidance on hair loss, hair restoration, and hair transplants from board-certified hair expert Dr. Frank!

Hair Transplants

Hair transplantation is a cosmetic procedure that transfers hairs & hair follicles from the back / sides of the head into the balding parts of the scalp, including the hairline, temples, and crown. Successful hair transplant results can last years - and even decades - producing new hair growth.

Eyebrow Transplants

Eyebrow transplantation follows a similar process to hair transplants, but places donor follicles into the eyebrow area. The result is fuller, natural-looking eyebrows that produce long-term growth.

Beard/Facial Transplants

Facial hair transplantation involves moving hair follicles from the back of the scalp and into facial areas, including beard, mustache, and sideburns. The result is thicker facial hair growth in the transplanted areas.

Gender-Affirming Transplants

We understand the important role that hair plays in helping transgender & non-binary individuals feel comfortable in their own skin. Gender-affirming hair transplants by Dr. John Frank are customized to help feminize, masculinize, or simply enhance each client's natural appearance.

Services offered

Hair Transplant

Locations served



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  • Before & After of Male Hair Client
  • Before & After of Female Eyebrow Client

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