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Säätötuli Canada

Biomass boilers from Säätötuli Canada

Säätötuli Canada's ASME-certified biomass boilers are designed to provide cost-efficient and renewable heat for many applications: municipal or local district-heating, commercial, agricultural, industrial and multi-residential.

Biomass boilers and furnaces

Säätötuli Canada's biomass boilers and hot air generators can use wood-based fuels like woodchips or pellets, but also a lot of agricultural residues and peat. Hot-water boilers are ASME-certified and have a CRN (Canadian Registration Number).

Containerised biomass heating plants

Our prefabricated biomass heating plants are the ideal solution to build a small heat-network or to jump-start a bigger district-heating project.

Pre-insulated PEX piping

Säätötuli Canada distributes high-quality pre-insulated PEX piping. Building an underground heat-network has never been easier with a recommended burying depth of only 2-feet even in the Northern cold.

Wood chippers

Säätötuli Canada distributes wood chippers that produce quality biomass fuel with an optimized production cost.

Opening times

9am - 5pm Monday to Friday

Services offered

Biomass Boiler Installation
Renewable Energy Installation

Locations served



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  • Säätötuli biomass boiler

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