Optician in Amersham, United Kingdom

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Opticians near Amersham, United Kingdom


Lenses in Glasses

Replacement prescription Lenses

Lenses in Glasses are part of the Spectacles Direct group and was founded by David Syme in 2004. He has 30 years of experience in the optical industry. Lenses in Glasses offer a 5 star rated service of reglazing your glasses. Whether it is varifocal, bifocal or single glaze or premium lenses such as Zeiss, Nikon or Hoya, their experts offer the best quality and expertise directly to you. They have particular expertise in reglazing premium frames such as LINDBERG, Ray Ban, Prada and Tom Ford. Many high street opticians are reluctant to put new lenses into existing glasses but Lenses in Glasses offer this service a service and save them money in the process. A quick, secure and expert service from opticians you can trust.

Premium Lenses

We can replace your glasses lenses with premium lenses such as Nikon, Hoya, Zeiss and Essilor

Services offered



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Contact details

Address 163A Bonnington Road Edinburgh EH6 5BQ
Phone 0131 553 7727
Phone 0131 553 7727

London Cataract Centre


London Cataract Centre is London’s premiere and only stand-alone ophthalmology surgical theatre specializing in cataract surgery treatment. It offers day-case procedures with no NHS waiting list from leading London eye consultants.

Services offered

Optician | Laser Eye Surgery



Contact details

Address 29a Wimpole Street, London, W1G 8GP
Phone 02081388988
Phone 02081388988

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