Personal Trainer in Cobham, United Kingdom

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Personal Trainers near Cobham, United Kingdom

Personal Training Master

Personal Training Master is located in London, England. This business is working in the following industry: Business services. You can contact Personal Training Master at 020 3633 2299

Services offered

Personal Trainer


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Contact details

Address basement 3, 5 Wardour Street, London W1D 6PB, UK
Phone 020 3633 2299
Phone 020 3633 2299

Box Nutrition

At Box Nutrition we work with you to improve your sports performance through tailored training programmes and nutrition advice. With RMR testing and VO2 max tests, we can help identify weaknesses and then adapt your training to improve your performance. Sports Nutrition and Performance Coaching.

Services offered

Dietician | Personal Trainer


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Contact details

West Thames Physiotherapy

West Thames Physiotherapy has been providing a friendly professional service in Whitton, Twickenham since 1994. We have a team of highly experienced therapists registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) who have many years experience in treating problems such as back pain, sports injuries, whiplash and joint problems. We also run Pilates classes and have personal training and massage therapy within the clinic. Please feel free to get in contact for any more information.

Services offered

Physiotherapist | Massage Therapy | Acupuncture Services | Personal Trainer



Contact details

Phone 020 8893 8676
Phone 020 8893 8676

Secured Security Consultancy Limited

Secured security consultancy Ltd has an excellent reputation of delivering of professional and vocational training throughout the UK.

Services offered

Staff Training | Personal Trainer


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Contact details

Address Weaver House, 6 Higham Mews, Northolt, London, UB5 6FP, UK
Phone 07501947135
Phone 07501947135
Surrey Coach - Surrey Counselling - Surrey Hypnotherapist

Hypnotherapy in Reigate with Keith Dewey

Hypnotherapy in Surrey

Do you want to feel better?

Hypnotherapy can help you change unwanted thoughts and improve your feelings.

We specialise in chronic pain, psychological trauma and PTSD and anxiety, but also help people with many other issues, including stress, anxiety, worry, fears, anger and more.

Keith is here for you.

At FreeYourMind.UK, we combine advanced coaching, counselling and advanced psychological techniques, to help you release stresses and tensions, and to find ways to deal with life more easily.

Book your Mental Wellbeing Fitness session with Keith Dewey, our specialist trainer, to think and feel better.


Where are you?

Our main clinic is in Leatherhead, Surrey, near Epsom, Dorking, Cobham, Esher, Ashtead, Horsham, Reigate and Redhill.
We'll be moving to the High Streety Reigate, Surrey in 2023.
Visit our website or book your appointment, to see how quickly you can change.

Training and Qualifications

I want to find the best approaches to help with the best changes.

I have trained in:
+ Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT) Level 1, Level 2 and NET.
+ Cognitive Science (B.Sc. degree with Hons; graduate member of the British Psychological Society)
+ Havening
+ Hypnotherapy (Regulated by the National Hypnotherapy Society and the National Council of Hypnotherapy)
+ Life Coaching
+ Meditation
+ Mental Wellbeing Fitness Training
+ CBT Talk Therapy
+ Tapping Therapies (TFT/EFT)

I'll work with you, to apply the approaches that can help you change quickly and easily.

You Can Feel Better

To improve the way you think and feel, improve the things you do, and improve your life, simply book your first session today.
Click here to book

Services offered

Hypnotherapy | Therapy For Stress | Anxiety | Chronic Pain And Psychological Trauma. | Counselling Services | Psychologist | Hypnotherapy Services | Personal Trainer


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Contact details

Address FreeYourMind.UK Hypnotherapy in Reigate, Castlefield Road, Reigate, UK
Phone 0800 292 212 6
Phone 0800 292 212 6
Phone 2 07970808242 (phone 2)
WhatsApp   07970808242

Display options

Normal | Tiles

Related services in Cobham

Acupuncture Services | Chinese Medicine Services | Chiropodist | Chiropractor | Dentist | Dermatologist | Dietician | Ear Wax Removal | Foot Clinic | Gym Membership | Hypnotherapist | Hypnotherapy Services | Laser Eye Surgery | Massage Therapy | Optician | Osteopath | Physiotherapist | Pilates Class | Podiatrist | Psychologist | Reflexology Services | Spiritual Healing Services | Sports Massage Services

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