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Featured article

What is Structural Investigation

Perry Testing Ltd provides on-site structural investigations with minimal disruption, ensuring compliance with regulations through tests like slip, load, and pull-off/pull-out. Services include concrete assessment, ultrasonic testing, and screed soundness. Immediate feedback, certificates, and expert advice prevent delays, ensure safety, and maintain quality for construction projects.

When undertaking a building project, various investigations may be necessary to ensure everything is up to standard. Perry Testing Ltd offers a range of on-site tests with minimal disruption, providing immediate feedback through reports and certificates that confirm your project complies with all required regulations.

Perry Testing Ltd’s structural investigation techniques are crafted to prioritise safety, ensuring the construction serves its intended purpose. For instance, we conduct slip tests on surfaces intended for pavements, ensuring the risk of accidents is minimised. Such accidents could result in compensation claims and raise concerns about workmanship quality, potentially harming your reputation.

We also specialise in identifying defects in building materials, such as concrete scanning, using Ultrasonic testing equipment. Our tests include assessing the integrity of joints with our Pull Off and Pull Out tests, which, as their names suggest, involve pulling to check strength.

These tests are not limited to the final structure; they can be conducted throughout the construction process, ensuring that the ground or structure is prepared for the next phase. For example, we can load test surfaces, like roads and pavements, before applying the final layers. This is crucial, as discovering that underlying materials do not meet regulations at a later stage could be both costly and time-consuming. Such delays are undesirable when managing tight schedules and budgets.

We provide on-the-spot certificates of compliance, giving you complete confidence in your construction without the costly wait for report production. If any issues arise, we offer advice on necessary remedial work to get your project back on track.

Our available tests include:

  • Screed Soundness Test: A straightforward test where a weight is dropped onto the floor to measure the soundness of the screed required for a cement and sand floor.
  • Relative Humidity Test: This test is recommended before applying additional layers. It ensures the surface is dry enough for the next construction stage.
  • Load Testing: Using a hydraulic ram or test weight, this test determines the load a structure or surface can bear. It is applicable to balconies, balustrades, lifts, lifting beams, and various surfaces, such as slabs and asphalt.
  • Ultrasonic Testing: Utilising ultrasonic waves, this test 'sees' through concrete structures to identify any faults, such as cracks or voids.
  • Pull Off Tests / Pull Out Tests: The Pull Off test typically assesses the bond strength between sprayed concrete layers and render coatings, while the Pull Out test evaluates structural fixings, including rebar and threaded bar. We also have a specialised kit to conduct these tests in various situations.
  • Schmidt Hammer Survey: This test identifies areas of concrete with low compressive strength using a rebound system.
  • Concrete Diamond Drilling: Our skilled engineers can drill into a wide range of surfaces, collect dust samples, and perform various tests as required. If this service is of interest, do give us a call to discuss the options.
  • RAAC Concrete Surveys
  • Pile Integrity Testing
  • Concrete Assessment Survey: We employ several of the aforementioned procedures to assess concrete structures. Additionally, we can carry out the following tests if required:
    • Cover Meter Surveys
    • Carbonation Testing
    • Cement Content Testing
    • Chloride Testing
    • Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR)
    • Sulphate Testing
    • Presence of HAC
    • Concrete Resistivity Testing
    • Rebound Hammer Survey
    • Tap Hammer Survey / Delamination Survey

If you believe Perry Testing can assist in your project’s structural investigation, why not reach out? Contact us to speak with one of our experienced engineers today—we’re always happy to help.

Author: Daniel Perry

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